Wednesday 27 August 2008

British Beach Trip - Bournmouth in August

In all fairness, I'm told we've had an atypical summer. But it was cloudy and gray, windy, cool and with just a hint of mist in the air. Altogether, not beach weather.
But the beach looks much like beaches everywhere ... sand, a pier, and lots of tourist stuff. Shirleen remarked that it looked a lot like a beach we went to in France, and she was right. One interesting note, Mary Shelly - author of Frankenstein - is buried there.

One thing interesting to me is the number of changing cabins, called 'chalets' they have available. They line the beach in both directions.

And last but not least, I learned a new word.

Nope, not what you are thinking, it's a seawall to prevent erosion.

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