Saturday 29 September 2007

UK Cars

We got a couple of old cars because we think dents, bumps
and bruises are inevitable. Hopefully that's the worst that happens. Also money not spent on vehicles can be spent on traveling to the places we want to see.
Shirleen's is the silver 1994 Honda Accord and mine is the 1993 Mazda MX6. They are reasonably solid on the outside
but well worn on the inside. The Honda has muffler problems so you can hear them coming. The Mazda is a five speed, adding a little complexity to the UK driving challenge. But it is fun to drive.
The first day, in my enthusiasm I decided to get mine washed. I didn't equate the radio not working to the antenna not going down - which resulted in the third picture.
My commute will be 30 minutes each way on good days, so I had to have a radio. Going to have to get that antenna fixed too.
We already have ideas for taking that noisy Honda to the European continent sometime. John Jr is already asking to go through the Chunnel. The cool thing is the answer is, "Why not?"

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