(The actual published dress code for the races)
Her Majesty’s Representative wishes to point out that only formal day dress with a hat or substantial fascinator will be acceptable.
Off the shoulder, halter neck, spaghetti straps and dresses with a strap of less than one inch and / or mini skirts are considered unsuitable. Midriffs must be covered and trouser suits must be full length and of matching material and colour.
Gentlemen are required to wear either black or grey morning dress, including a waistcoat, with a top hat which must be worn at all times when you are in the Royal Enclosure other than within your private box or facility”. Note that box balconies, restaurant terraces and gardens will be deemed to be “within” the facility.
Overseas visitors are welcome to wear the formal national dress of their country or Service dress. Those not complying with the dress code will be asked to leave the Royal Enclosure and will be relieved of their Royal Enclosure badge.
Remember this lady with the white dress and blue 'bathroom hat' from an earlier post? I got a shot of her myself. This is a shot of her off the BBC web site.

This is the actress Helen Mirren who starred in the movie, "The Queen". She was here on Ladies Day, 2008 for her first Royal Ascot. She was quoted as saying she liked the hat, but it drove her nuts because she couldn't help bumping into people.

And this is our neighbor, the real Queen in 2008, note she is wearing a hat every day and looking elegant.

(pictures pulled off the web both from last year and this year's Royal Ascot, showing some of the most outrageous hats)

This is the actress Helen Mirren who starred in the movie, "The Queen". She was here on Ladies Day, 2008 for her first Royal Ascot. She was quoted as saying she liked the hat, but it drove her nuts because she couldn't help bumping into people.

And this is our neighbor, the real Queen in 2008, note she is wearing a hat every day and looking elegant.

(pictures pulled off the web both from last year and this year's Royal Ascot, showing some of the most outrageous hats)
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