Sunday, 6 April 2008

AFA - March 2008 #10 Funny Stuff

Three funny stories ...
1. Red T-Shirt - It says "If Momma and Papa say 'No', ask Grandma and Grandpa" in German. Very cute and particularly close to our hearts because 'Oma' is German for Grandma, and that's what our grandkids call Shirleen.
2. Naked Man Picture - At the hotel in Rothenburg, we shared a family room (two rooms with no door between) and a bathroom. This piece of "art" was on the wall in the bathroom. Mom decided to wrap the offending bottom in toilet tissue. I think it adds a lot to the picture.
3. White T-Shirt - The word 'ausfahrt' means exit" in German. So while driving the autobahn (just like while driving the major highways in the US), you see 'ausfahrt' signs every few minutes. Hence, "Where the !@#$ is Ausfahrt Germany?" If you sound it out in English, you can imagine the hilarious possibilities for teenagers. (and less mature adults - like fathers) If you add the word for entrance, (einfahrt), you can see how we laughed our way through Germany.

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