Bath had some amazing buildings. A block apart are two incredible streets, one a half circle called 'The Royal Crescent' and the other a full circle called 'The Circus.' Both were the elite places to live in their 200 years ago, and still are today.
In the top right picture you can see the Royal Crescent from the air , and behind it in the distance you can see part of The Circus. The faces of the buildings are almost identical, but they vary in size in the back in order to form the circular structure. As with most of us, the rear view is not much to look at.
The American actor, Nicolas Cage, purchased a home (#8) on The Circus last year. In order to remain anonymous, he took the house number off of his door. It is in the fourth picture, the home on the right with the windows covered and no number on the door. As the tour guide explained, "it didn't take too long before the locals figured out that the house between #7 and #9 was #8."
The first picture is the Abbey on the town square.
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