Road trip!! We decided to head outside of Copenhagen to explore Zealand, the island that Copenhagen is on. It is the largest island in Denmark - they don't count Greenland since it is just a territory. The legend is that the goddess Gefion (or something in Danish that sounds like that) went to the king of Sweden and asked for land. He said, "Okay, you can have all the land you can plow in one night." Not to be outdone by a human, she turned her four sons into giant oxen and plowed a massive piece of Sweden that the king had to give her. She made it the island of Zealand. It is said that if you look at a map of Sweden, the largest lake, Vanern, is shaped like Zealand because that's where the land came from.

Here is the famous statue of Gelfion.
The first thing you think about when riding through the countryside is that it is just beautiful, and looks a lot like the US countryside. Very clean. Wide, well kept roads. Not too congested. Very western looking houses and shopping areas. I could live here.
Roskilde was a big deal long ago in Danish history, the city dates back to Viking times. The cathedral was the first built of brick and set the style for much of northern Europe in the following centuries. 38 of the Danish Kings and Queens are buried there, including our favorite, King Christian IV.
On the left is King "C" as a pirate. On the right just gives you an idea of the size and majesty of this one wing dedicated to this one King.
Okay, to be completely truthful, there is more to the story than he just liked to get painted as a pirate. He commanded his navy in a decisive battle, and in the battle his ship was hit and he lost his eye in the explosion. He lept up, wrapped a rag around his head, shouted "AARRRR!!!", and won the day. (I made up the "AARRRR")
Check out the columns. They are NOT 3-D. They are really, really well done paintings.